Wednesday, November 26, 2014

My sister does this Holidailies thing every year and has asked if I'd like to join in numerous times. Her entries always have some sort of point and are frequently funny or poignant and clearly well thought out, so I've always been intimidated about putting my writing out there. I'm more of a write whatever pops in my head like I'm journaling kind of writer. This year, I'm realizing more and more that my daughter is growing up and there are so many things I haven't done with her, so many moments I haven't savored. I guess I'm hoping that by writing things down (typing things down?), I'll take some time to think about life instead of looking ahead to what needs to be done next.

So, I'll try doing a little writing this year. Besides, who's going to read it?


  1. Yay! I have finally worn you down!

  2. Your kind of writing is my favorite kind of writing. It's the kind I do too. I look forward to reading you through Holidailies.
